авторские сочинения
авторские сочинения

Сочинение: my family на английском 4 класс

My family is very important to me. I have a mom, a dad, and a younger sister. We all live together in a small house in the city. My mom is a teacher and my dad is a doctor. They both work very hard to provide for our family. My sister is in kindergarten and she loves to play with her dolls and draw pictures.

We like to spend time together as a family. On weekends, we often go to the park or the zoo. We also like to watch movies and play board games at home. My mom is a great cook, so we always have delicious meals together.

My family is very supportive of me. They encourage me to do well in school and to pursue my interests. I love to play soccer and my dad always comes to my games to cheer me on. My mom helps me with my homework and my sister always gives me hugs when I need them.

I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful family. They are always there for me when I need them and they make me feel loved and valued. I hope that we will always be close and that we will continue to make happy memories together.

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